BODY RECOVERYDec 20, 2024Here my favorite products and tools for recover from fatigue, muscle pain or do deal with anxiety or nerves.Some links may be affiliated, but it doesn't cost you extra money.Let me know what do you think!BasenpulverFloradix with ironBath Salts Epsom Salt Detox Natural Magnesium Muscle RelaxingVentilated green clayDevil's claw and arnica gelWeleda Arnica Bio Forte100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel – Ecologically Grown in the Canary IslandsRed Light Therapy Device Ezero Maderotherapy Kit Wood 10 Pieces Arnica massage oilThe Alexander Technique for Musicians Panic Proof by Nicole CainBlood pressure monitorFlorase Colon-Help
Here my favorite products and tools for recover from fatigue, muscle pain or do deal with anxiety or nerves.Some links may be affiliated, but it doesn't cost you extra money.Let me know what do you think!BasenpulverFloradix with ironBath Salts Epsom Salt Detox Natural Magnesium Muscle RelaxingVentilated green clayDevil's claw and arnica gelWeleda Arnica Bio Forte100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel – Ecologically Grown in the Canary IslandsRed Light Therapy Device Ezero Maderotherapy Kit Wood 10 Pieces Arnica massage oilThe Alexander Technique for Musicians Panic Proof by Nicole CainBlood pressure monitorFlorase Colon-Help